What the Blog?

Thank you visiting CuriousLaw. My name is Marc Sanchez, a recent law grad, not only in search of employment as a lawyer, but also on a quest to read and interpret new opinions from the Ninth Circuit. The goal is to determine whether opinions are making new law, expanding existing law, or are just plain curious. I hope you enjoy!

The PR Lawyer: Will your Digital Dirt Come Back to Haunt you?

The PR Lawyer: Will your Digital Dirt Come Back to Haunt you?: "In a recent Wall Street Journal online piece, 'Google and The Search for the Future' editors had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Google CEO, Eric Schmidt about his thoughts on the future of the company and Internet search as a whole.
Among many interesting points in the article, one that particularly stood out was Schmidt’s views of privacy and a prediction “that every young person one day will be entitled automatically to change his or her name on reaching adulthood in order to disown youthful hijinks stored on their friends' social media sites.”"

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