What the Blog?

Thank you visiting CuriousLaw. My name is Marc Sanchez, a recent law grad, not only in search of employment as a lawyer, but also on a quest to read and interpret new opinions from the Ninth Circuit. The goal is to determine whether opinions are making new law, expanding existing law, or are just plain curious. I hope you enjoy!

Ninth Circuit Manual of Model Criminal Jury Instructions, 2010 Ed. Available

The Ninth Circuit Jury Instructions Committee has completed an extensive revision of the Ninth Circuit Manual of Model Criminal Jury Instructions. The 2010 edition of the Manual contains a number of new instructions and is updated with cases and statutes through July 2010.

The 2010 edition includes renumbered instructions from the 2003 edition; a conversion table is posted online and provides equivalent jury instruction numbers in the 2003 edition.

The instructions are available at:

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